Cafe bar i pizzeria Bella Italia Pizza Restaurants Restaurants

Hasana Kjafije Pruščaka TO 15, 77000 Bihać, Bosna i Hercegovina
Pizzeria Bella Italia, located in Hasan Kjafije Pruščaka Street, in Bihać naseljuzimice 1 and offers you over 15 types of delicious pizzas that you can try in our pleasant ambience and a pleasant atmosphere, or perhaps in your home or workplace.

We always use fresh and quality foods and we try to be as expeditious when it comes to service and delivery.

Give us your trust and we will be permanent pleasure. We will wait for you because we know when it comes to quality, do not compromise.

You don't need a passport to feel the charms of Italy.Just stop by to your favorite pizzeria in Bihać and indulge in the spell.

Features of the facility

  • Free WiFi
  • Parking on the street
  • terrace


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Cafe bar i pizzeria Bella Italia

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